Our Why
Signature Programs
The Finish Strong Learning Pod is a free enrichment program that serves K-5th grade students from underserved communities. All students must be at least 5 years old at the time of registration with the program. We believe in creating a village of support for our students by partnering closely with parents and guardians. The program operates Monday through Wednesdays from 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM.
The program provides the following services:
Homework Help/Tutoring
Reading and Math Enrichment
Steam Activities
Food Security
A key goal of the Value in Learning Lessons An Gaining Experiences (VILLAGE) program is to eradicate disparities and closing the digital divide in the African-American community by offering computer literacy, job readiness and other educational opportunities to adults 18 years and older, including a targeted focus on senior citizens.
People without digital literacy and access are at a significant disadvantage. The COVID-19 pandemic further widens the digital divide in African-American communities. Almost half of low-income adults do not have adequate access to internet or computer access at home. Additional older adults also continued to experience the negative impact of the digital divide. In a technological driven society, a lack of digital access can cause significant disparities in unemployment, socio-economic advancement, educational opportunities and healthcare services.
The Catalyst program expands The Crossfire Movement’s global footprint to the continent of Africa. TCM is laser focused on being the catalyst that will cause significant change or action in addressing inequalities globally.
Through the initiatives under the Sylvia Carter’s Women of Strength Empowerment Center, TCM focuses on closing the gap in education and advancing women in the marketplace.
Additionally, we empower children through building or strengthening schools in Kitale, Malaba and Nairobi.